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To Begin Again!

Have you ever thought or felt, “It’s too late.”  “If only I could begin again.” Probably most of us have thought or felt that way.
However, there’s a wonderful truth about us.  No matter where we are, no matter what we are doing or have been doing, no matter how long we have been doing something, it’s never too late to change.  It’s never too late to begin again.
It’s never too late to look at our lives in a new way - to live our lives in a new way.  We are not limited to what has gone before. Nearly everyone of us has said, “If only I could begin again.”
This very moment, and at any moment we choose, we can begin again.  At any moment we can rejoice that we have a creative wonderful Spirit within us which does not resist change - which doesn’t draw back in fear when old patterns are changed, but looks forward and welcomes newness.
Today you are free to begin again.  Today you can accept a standing invitation to step into the stream of life, to accept the constant opportunities that are before you, to bless those people that are around you.  Life beckons you. Accept life’s invitation.
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